Sikh boy names starting with F for your prince!

All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

NamePunjabi VersionMeaning
Fakeerਫ਼ਕੀਰ A saintly person
Fatehbirਫ਼ਤੇਹਬੀਰ Victorious brave, champion
Fatehjitਫ਼ਤਹਿਜੀਤ Victorious conqueror
Fazilnoorਫਾਜ਼ਿਲਾਨੂਰ The light of the superior, scholar
Fojinderਫੌਜਇੰਦਰ Army troop of the God of heaven
Furmanਫੁਰਮਾਨ Supreme or Divine command