Sikh boy names for your prince!

All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

NamePunjabi VersionMeaning
Aadjotਆਦਜੋਤ Divine Light of God
Aajittਆਜਿੱਤ One who cannot be defeated
Achintਅਚਿੰਤ Without worry
Adithਆਡੀਠ Sunday
AgamjotਅਗਮਜੋਤThe profound, far-reaching light of God
Akalbirਅਕਾਲਬੀਰ Immortal warrior of God
Aeeldeepਆਈਲਦੀਪ Holy, pristine light
Amandeepਅਮਰਦੀਪ Light for peace
Amanpreetਅਮਨਪ੍ਰੀਤ One who loves peace
Anokhਅਨੋਖ Unique and wondrous
Arshbirਅਰਸ਼ਬੀਰ Dominion of sky
Baazਬਾਜ਼ Eagle, Falcon, to play a musical instrument
Bakhtawarਬਖਤਾਵਰ The bearer of good fortune, lucky
Balbirਬਲਬੀਰ Mighty and brave
BalnoorLight of the strong
Bhagatveerਭਗਤਵੀਰ The fearless devotee of God
Bhavneetਭਵਨੀਤ Good of the world
Bhumeetਭੂਮੀਤ Love
Birjotਬਿਰਜੋਤ Light of the courageous
Birpalਬਿਰਪਾਲ Protector of brave
Bishanpalਬਿਸ਼ਨਪਾਲ Raised By God
Chaitanਚੈਤੰ Consciousness
Chanderjitਚੰਦਰਜੀਤ Conqueror of the Moon
Charatਚਾਰਟ On victorious, successful path
Chehzaadਚੇਹਜ਼ਾਦ Prince, a Leading Light
Chetanjeetਚੇਤਾਨਜੀਤ Conqueror of the consciousness, the spirit of life
Chetveerਚੇਤਵੀਰ Brave, conscious
Chiragdeepਚਿਰਾਗਦੀਪ Lamp, light
Chirjotਚਿਰਜੋਤ The light that lasts till infinity
Dalerਦਲੇਰ Fearless
Damanjeetਦਮਨਜੀਤ Victory over suppression
Darshpreetਦਰਸ਼ਪ੍ਰੀਤ The Love for Lord Krishna
Dayabirਦਯਾਬੀਰ Brave in kindness
Devjotਦਿਵਜੋਤ Divine Light
DhanmeetਧਨਮੀਤOne who is friendly with charity
Dharvanbirਧਰਵਨਬੀਰ Heroic winner
Dheerajbirਧੀਰਾਜਬੀਰ Brave and persistent
Dilbirਦਿਲਬੀਰ Friendly; beloved
Dilsherਦਿਲਸ਼ੇਰ Lion-hearted, one who is brave and determined
Easharਈਸ਼ਰ A Godly person, good man
Ekamਏਕਮ Oneness with God; united, unmatched, supreme spirit
Ekasਏਕਸ One in all God’s creatures
Ekjeetਐਕਜੀਤ The only triumphant; champion
Ekjotਐਕਜੋਤ One divine light, God is one
Eqbalਇਕ਼ਬਾਲ Destiny, glory
Fakeerਫ਼ਕੀਰ A saintly person
Fatehbirਫ਼ਤੇਹਬੀਰ Victorious brave, champion
Fatehjitਫ਼ਤਹਿਜੀਤ Victorious conqueror
Fazilnoorਫਾਜ਼ਿਲਾਨੂਰ The light of the superior, scholar
Fojinderਫੌਜਇੰਦਰ Army troop of the God of heaven
Furmanਫੁਰਮਾਨ Supreme or Divine command
Gajanਗੱਜਣ To roar
Gianjotਗਿਓਣਜੋਤ Divine light of knowledge
Gulshandeepਗੁਲਸ਼ਾਂਦੀਪ The lamp of the rose garden
Guneetਗੁਨੀਤ Meritorious, worthy, talented
Gunkarਗੁਣਕਾਰ One who owns many merits
Guntajਗੁਣਤਾਜ One who is wearing the crown of many talents
Gurdasਗੁਰਦਾਸ Guru’s devotee
Gursheelਗੁਰਸ਼ੀਲ Humility blessed by the Guru
Gurvaidਗੁਰਵੈਦ Divine knowledge
Gurvirਗੁਰਵੀਰ Guru’s warrior
Hansਹੰਸ Swan; Gracious God
Haranshਹਾਰਾਂਸ਼ A part of God
Harbakshਹਰਬਖਸ਼ Divinely gifted
Harbirਹਰਬੀਰ God’s warrior
Harditਹਰਦਿੱਤ Granted by God
Hargunਹਰਗੁਨ One who has Godly qualities
Harmanਹਰਮਨ Loved by all
Harneetਹਰਨੀਤ Eternal God; beautiful
Harnekਹਰਨੇਕ God’s honourable person
Ikbirਇਕਬੀਰ One who is courageous
Ikhtiarਇਖਤਿਆਰ Power
Ikroopਇਕਰੂਪ Divine Oneness
Iktajਇਕਤਾਜ One ruler
Inderveerਇੰਦ੍ਰਵੀਰ Warrior of God
Ishitਇਸ਼ਿਤ One who wishes to rule
Itbaarਇਤਬਾਰ Conviction, faith
Jagatਜਗਤ World
Jaghrਜੱਗਰ Awakened soul
Jagvirਜਗਵੀਰ Victor of the world
Jaideepਜੈਦੀਪ Victory Light
Jaikaarਜੈਕਾਰ Glorious, shining victory or success
Japਜਾਪ Singing hymns, Naam simran, chant God’s name
Jaswantਜਸਵੰਤ Victorious
Jeetਜੀਤ Victorious
KananJungle, forest
Kanwarਕੰਵਰ Prince
Karamਕਰਮ God’s grace
Karanveerਕਰਨਵੀਰ Brave and kind warrior
Kavanਕਵਨ Who
Kuwarjeetਕੰਵਰਜੀਤ A victorious prince
Laajbirਲਾਜਬੀਰ Very respectful
Lajpalਲਾਜਪਾਲ Guardian of honour
Lakarਲਾਕਰ Challenge
Lakbirਲਖਬੀਰ One who is as brave as one hundred thousand
Lashkarਲਸ਼ਕਰ Army
Lavanyaਲਾਵਣਿਆ Grace
Livtarਲਿਵਤਾਰ Unending love or adoration for God
Lokejਲੋਕੇਜ Protector of Honour
Maanasਮਾਨਸ Human
Mahipਮਹੀਪ Earth’s protector
Mahtaabਮਹਿਤਾਬ Moonlight
Majeetਮਜੀਤ One who is present in the mind
Manandeepਮਨੰਦੀਪ Enlightened soul, mind, conscience
Manrajਮਨਰਾਜ One who rules over hearts
Mantajਮੰਤਾਜ Crown of the mind
Manvirਮਨਵੀਰ Brave heart
Mukundaਮੁਕੁੰਡਾ Name of Lord Vishnu
Naambirਨਾਮਬੀਰ Brave one who remembers God
Narveerਨਰਵੀਰ A brave person
Navnihalਨਾਵਨਿਹਾਲ Youth
Navnoorਨਾਵਨੂਰ Light of happiness
Navrajਨਵਰਾਜ New, novel rule
Navtejਨਵਤੇਜ Original
NirmalਨਿਰਮਲPure and clean
Ojasਓਜਸ Full of brilliance
Ompalਓਮਪਾਲ God
Ompreetਓਮਪ੍ਰੀਤ Love for the divine name
Onkarpreetਓਂਕਾਰਪ੍ਰੀਤ Love of the inseparable creator
Opinderਉਪਿੰਦਰ Nearness to God
Opraajਓਪਰਾਜ God’s Kingdom
PagatਪੰਗਤClean and pure
Pahalਪਹਿਲ The beginning
Palbinderਪਾਲਬਿੰਦਰ Moments spent remembering God
Palvinderਪਲਵਿੰਦਰ Moments spent remembering God
Paramjotਪਰਾਮਜੋਤ The supreme light
Pavithਪਵਿਠ Love
Paweetਪਵੀਤ Ruler, King
Pooranਪੂਰਨ The perfect or complete man
Prabhਪ੍ਰਭ God
Pushpinderਪੁਸ਼ਪਿੰਦਰ God of flower
Qudratਕੁਦਰਤ Power
Rachanbirਰਚੰਬਿਰ Creative and brave
Raftaarਰਫਤਾਰ Speed
Rajandeepਰਾਜਨਦੀਪ Discerning Light; the Light of the King
Rajbirਰਾਜਬੀਰ Brave warrior of the rule; superior
Ranaਰਾਣਾ King of battle field
Ranbirਰਣਬੀਰ Triumphant in war; a valiant warrior
Ranjitਰਣਜੀਤ Victor in wars
Rasamritਰਸਮ੍ਰਿਤ One who has the Highest Elixir
Ratandeepਰਤਨਦੀਪ Valuable like the God’s light
Raunaqਰੌਨਕ਼ Living in splendour
Raushanਰੌਸ਼ਨ Famous, illustrious person; the Exalted
Ravirajਰਾਵਿਰਾਜ Lord Surya, King of Sun
Sarabjeetਸਰਬਜੀਤ Champion of everything
Sabrrਸਬਰ Fortitude, Patience
Sachdeepਸਚਦੀਪ Light of divine truth
Sachpalਸਚਪਾਲ Guardian of Truth
Samrathਸਮਰਥ All powerful
Santokhਸੰਤੋਖ Contentment and peace; serenity
SarabjotਸਰਬਜੋਤAll-pervading, powerful light
Saranbirਸਰੰਬਿਰ Brave in God’s protection
Shamanਸ਼ਾਮਨ One who knows
Shamsherਸ਼ਮਸ਼ੇਰ Courageous like a lion
Sikanderਸਿਕੰਦਰ A great king
Sultanਸੁਲਤਾਨ King
Tabhjotਤਭਜੋਤ God
Tajpreetਤਾਜਪ੍ਰੀਤ Always happy
Tandeepਤਨਦੀਪ Inner Light, Soul
Tanvirਤਨਵੀਰ Enlightened
Tapanjotਤਪੰਜੋਤ Divine Light of Warmth
Taranਤਾਰਨ Saviour of all
Taranjitਤਰਨਜੀਤ Victory over oppression, bondage
Tarunpalਤਾਰੁਨਪਾਲ Protector of freshness, youth
Tejpalਤੇਜਪਾਲ Protector of light, intense glory, splendour
TheeranWielder of the arrow
Tribhavanਤ੍ਰਿਭਵਣ King of the three worlds
Uchitpalਉਚਿਤਪਾਲ Protector of righteousness
Udaiyanਉਦਿਆਨ The rising
Udayvirਉਦੇਵੀਰ Rising brave
Uddamਉੱਦਮ Hard work, effort
Uditbirਉਦਿਤਬੀਰ Radiant, brave
Umedਉਮੈਦ Hope
Upinderਉਪਿੰਦਰ Closeness to God,
Upkarਉਪਕਾਰ Kindness, favour
Vachanਵਚਨ Vow, declaration, speech
Veerjotਵੀਰਜੋਤ Brave, courageous
Wasimjitਵਸਿਮਜੀਤ Graceful triumph
Wicharਵਿਚਾਰ Reflection, musing on God
Yadvirਯਾਦਵੀਰ Memorable, special
Yuvrajਯੁਵਰਾਜ Prince, heir to be