Sikh girl names starting with G for your princess!

All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

NamePunjabi VersionMeaning
Gaganpreetਗਗਨਪ੍ਰੀਤ The woman with love as wide and vast as the sky
Geetਗੀਤ Popularized by the movie, it refers to the beauty of a song
Gehanaਗਹਿਣਾ The precious beauty of great jewelry
Greethaਗਰੀਠਾ A girl with a clever mind and quick wits
Griyashiਗਰਿਯਾਸ਼ੀ The beauty and divinity of a decent woman
Gunkeeratਗੁਨਕੀਰਤ One who sings praises of the guru
Gurinderਗੁਰਿੰਦਰ Lord; guru
Gurkiranਗੁਕੀਰਾਂ The Ray of Guru’s Light; Radiance and brightness of Guru
Gurkiratਗੁਰਕੀਰਤ One who sings praises of the guru
Gurleenਗੁਰਲੀਨ Person who is absorbed in the guru
Gurmeetਗੁਰਮੀਤ A companion of the Guru
Gurvinderਗੁਰਵਿੰਦਰ Lord; guru
Gyanleenਗਯਾਨਲੀਨ A girl who is bathed in the light of heavenly knowledge
Gyanpreetਗਯਾਨਪ੍ਰੀਤ The girl who has all the divine knowledge of the heavens