Sikh girl names starting with S for your princess!

All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

NamePunjabi VersionMeaning
Saachiਸਾਚੀ Born with the blessings of Gods
Saarpreetਸਰਪ੍ਰੀਤ Essence of love
Safaਸਫ਼ਾ The clear purity of innocence
Sargunਸਰਗੁਣ All the quality
Savreenਸਰਵੀੰ Multitalented
Shirimਸ਼ਿਰੀਮ A girl that resembles the resounding echo of infinity
Shirinaਸ਼ਿਰਿਨਾ A dark and peaceful night
Simarleenਸਿਮਰਲੀਨ A girl who is created from memory
Simratਸਿਮਰਤ One who remembers through meditation
Smritaਸਮ੍ਰਿਤਾ A woman adept at meditating through the troubles
Staleenjeetਸਟੈਲੀਨਜੀਤ A girl who is always successful in her life’s endeavours
Sukhdeepਸੁਖਦੀਪ The bringer of peace and light in the world
Sukhjotਸੁਖਜੋਤ The light that the peace gives
Sukhjyotਸੁਖਜੋਤ The shining flame of happiness
Sukhleenਸੁਖਲੀਂ The woman on whom God bestows the eternal light of happiness
Sukhminderਸੁਖਮਿੰਦਰ The pivotal place where you can pray for happiness
Sukhwinderਸੁਖਵਿੰਦਰ The woman who will carve her own destiny
Sukrajanyaਸੁਕਰਾਜਨਯਾ A girl who has a peaceful mind and heart
Surinderਸੁਰਿੰਦਰ The queen of all Gods in heaven